Makers Mill - Community Makerspace & Vocational Hub

Makers Mill

Community Makerspace & Vocation Hub

Makers Mill Logo

Makers Mill is a Community Makerspace & Vocation Hub that is the culmination of over a decade of sustainable community-building by the nonprofit, G.A.L.A., in the Mountains and Lakes Region of New Hampshire.

Located in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, we have 10,000 sq ft of work spaces for digital design and fabrication, fine arts, fiber arts, metalsmithing and jewelry, leather working, metalworking and machine shop, mixed media, stained glass, and a woodshop.

Makers Mill - Community Makerspace & Vocational Hub
Makers Mill - Community Makerspace & Vocational Hub
Makers Mill - Community Makerspace & Vocational Hub
Makers Mill - Community Makerspace & Vocational Hub

There is a difference in a place that people use and a place where people feel they belong. Getting that culture right is important - creating an open, supportive culture for exploration, risk-taking, creativity, and personal development. A good makerspace can be transformative for its community.

Free To Make, Dougherty & Conrad